The Secret Tea Maker

Reformed assassin Adelin ap Hywel is trying to carve out a new life for herself in the country that rescued her. Her village was burned in the invasion and her order, known as the Widower’s, was destroyed after the location of their monastery was razed to the ground by the opposition. Feeling hollowed out by her former profession as a killer and a spy, she accepts the offer from the King of Mirren to aid their band of heroes, The Order of the Golden Dawn, with her less deadly set of skills - namely creating specific brews and concoctions to boost their strength, stamina and veracity in the field as they work to put the world back in order.

She learns however that the quiet life doesn’t feel any more fulfilling than her last one, full of monotony and little connections to those around her due to her need to hide who she really is. When she’s kidnapped by a band of rogues hired by a nobleman to get back at the Order, she realizes that the life of a weak damsel in distress isn’t the role she could ever fill. The conclusion is that Adelin decides she can no longer hide in the shadows, not when she still feels the call to avenge her homeland and aid those who cannot aid themselves. She ends up saving herself through the methods taught to her as a Widower, plaguing her captors with nightmares and visions from the aroma of the tea she creates. She's no longer going to let others fight the battle that only she truly understands.

A newly integrated public member of the Order of the Golden Dawn, Adelin must now face foes old and new as well as ancient evils disguised as friendly allies in her quest to not only save her homeland but all nations on the continent from the fate that may befall them.


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How to Date a Werewolf

