Lubbock Chamber Orchestra

The Lubbock Chamber Orchestra puts on multiple concerts per year which requires a lot of social media promotions, print programs and poster creation that reflects the mood of both the season and the pieces being covered in the concert.

Beethoven: Symphony No.6, Pastoral

In 2022, The Lubbock Chamber Orchestra was playing Beethoven’s 6th Symphony and needed the promotional media to announce their upcoming concert. With that comes the various iterations and ideations until the final product is selected and put out for the printed and social media updates.

Initial Concepts:

With the concert taking place in January of 2022, it was decided to focus on the winter aspect of the season for the imagery. We produced four different iterations and then it was ultimately narrowed down to the option with the semi transparent 6 and Beethoven’s name displayed more prominently on the side..

From there we provided them with different variations on the same theme to hopefully narrow down and make the more presentable graphic possible. The final product ended up being the first graphic displayed in the series.

Other Concert Graphics:


100 Black Men of West Texas


Idalou ISD